Pokémon: Advanced HINDI Episodes (Hungama TV)
Polishing off the Silver Conference, Ash heads toward his next challenge—the far-off Hoenn region! While he must say goodbye to old friends, he makes the acquaintance of May, a Trainer just starting out on her Pokémon journey. Along with her little brother Max and the ever-reliable Brock, this pack of Pokémon Trainers begin pursuing their dreams—with Ash racking up three Gym Badges, while May changes tack to follow the Contest path of a PokémonCoordinator.
Pikachu is suffering from a serious electrical overload! Can Ash and Professor Birch find a solution before it's too late?
A power failure at the Pokémon Center leads Ash and his new friend May to an astonishing discovery!
Ash is ready for his first Gym battle in the Hoenn region—and the Gym Leader he must face is none other than May's father!
When Team Rocket turns a flock of Taillow against our heroes, an old friend comes to the rescue!
Ash and friends meet an eccentric Trainer who challenges May to her very first Pokémon battle!
Our heroes are on the trail of a Pokémon poacher, and Team Rocket is close behind!
When Ash gets lost in the woods, he meets a Treecko who's determined to save its forest home.
When Ash gets lost in the woods, he meets a Treecko who's determined to save its forest home.
New Episodes Mon - Fri!
Pokémon: Advanced HINDI Episodes (Hungama TV)
Reviewed by Dhanush Reddy

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